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The shipping costs outside Italy, are always charged to the customer and will be calculated only after your order. The customer can also choose to send a transporter to pick up your order
Un cortese e impeccabile Servizio Clienti è a tua completa disposizione nei seguenti orari lavorativi: Lun-Ven dalle 09.30 alle 13.30 e 15.30 alle 19.30. Un nostro operatore potrà assisterti per ogni tua esigenza attraverso i seguenti servizi : "WhatsApp" cliccando su questo pulsante puoi contattarci su whatsapp, negli orari che preferisci; "Contattaci" cliccando qui è possibile richiedere informazioni commerciali o amministrative, segnalare eventuali problemi riscontrati sul nostro sito, informarci su eventuali difetti del prodotto acquistato, comunicare difformità nelle spedizione. Vi informiamo inoltre che potrete sempre contattarci allo 081/871.53.36 o "Mail"
In order to be aware of the prices for the catalog, you must be a member and access to: AREA RETAILERS with email and password you entered when registering. If you are not registered you can do so by clicking on: REGISTER HERE!
Remember that the site is reserved for dealers in the industry.
All items are checked for quality by producers in addition to verification of our company staff when ordering. In case of any factory defects not found, the FGA Service s.a.s. will, after checking the replacement product to the customer by communicating prior authorization of the returned goods, the following will be issued a credit note in reference to DDT made by the customer.